[C++-sig] Embedding Boost.Python and Exposing Classes to Python

Ben Everett ben.everett at ilc.com
Wed Sep 1 20:53:53 CEST 2004

    I am working on a project that requires heavy C++ and Python interraction. I need to have a C++ class extended into Python and any changes that take place on that class in Python be reflected in the instance that I have in the C++ application. The problem is that I can't get Boost.Python to work at all (even the examples) and the nature of the project makes it hard to use Boost.Jam.

    The documentation doesn't really have enough information provided in it by itself, and I find myself digging through source files and other projects source (which I don't have the time to do) for supplemental information. Is there a site, FAQ, or HowTo somewhere that goes into embedding Boost.Python and utilizing it more thoroughly than the current documentation has?

Thank you.
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