[C++-sig] const_argument test failures

Aleksey Gurtovoy agurtovoy at meta-comm.com
Mon Oct 18 23:51:01 CEST 2004

The comment in the test says:

 * The purpose of this test is to determine if a function can be called from
 * Python with a const value type as an argument, and whether or not the 
 * presence of a prototype without the cv-qualifier will work around the
 * compiler's bug.

So, OK, the first part of it fails on MSVC < 7.1, naturally, due to the same 
bug that makes the following to fail:

    template< typename T > void f(void (*)(T));
    void g(int const);

    int main()
        f(g);   // error C2664: 'f' : cannot convert parameter 1 from 
                // 'void (const int)' to 'void (__cdecl *)(int)'

        return 0;

The second part of the test "passes", but of course we'll never see it in
the reports.

So, the question is: what exactly was the original plan for this in terms 
of its presence in the regression reports? 

Right now the failures represented by yellow cells, and I'd like to see 
them cleared up, whether it's done through "explicit-failures-markup.xml"
or through appropriate #ifdef-s in the file itself.

Aleksey Gurtovoy
MetaCommunications Engineering

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