[C++-sig] std::string crush

aashish at iastate.edu aashish at iastate.edu
Fri May 28 18:44:23 CEST 2004


I had some sort of similar problem when I was trying to use std::string.

I was getting errors when I was trying to use statically linked
boost_python_debug.lib and in my app linking against static MSVCPRTD.lib
(in VC7.0 using /MDd).. and I was getting heap errors but then it
disappeared when I used /MD MSVCPRT.lib...

An exaplanation will help ... thanks,

> I have experienced some strange crashes due to
> a corrupt heap when using extract<string> (v1.30);
> they went away by doing one of :
> - a switch to extract<char*>, or
> - a switch from VC6 to VC 7.1 (didn't try 7.0), or
> - a switch to a statically linked boost_python.lib;

I guess that by that you mean that you had generated boost_python.lib by
linking against MSVCPRT.lib on VC7.0 or 7.1 ??


> hth,
> bert
> -=<Short Controlled Bursts>=-
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