[C++-sig] Re: register_exception_translator problem in 1.31.0

David Abrahams dave at boost-consulting.com
Wed Mar 3 22:49:37 CET 2004

Dan Halbert <halbert at bbn.com> writes:

>   >>       register_exception_translator<My::Own::Exception>(translate);
>   >Add an ampersand ('&') here-------------------------------^
> Ah, so the tutorial example is wrong. Thank you!
> (Bad example is at http://www.boost.org/libs/python/doc/tutorial/doc/exception_translation.html)

gets it right.

Hmm.  Do me a favor, please.  In exception_translator.hpp, change:

  template <class ExceptionType, class Translate>
  void register_exception_translator(Translate const& translate, boost::type<ExceptionType>* = 0)

  template <class ExceptionType, class Translate>
  void register_exception_translator(Translate translate, boost::type<ExceptionType>* = 0)

and try your example again.  I expect it works, and if so I'm inclined
to change the signature of register_exception_translator.

Dave Abrahams
Boost Consulting

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