[C++-sig] Re: Calling a python function from C++ (from Jeff Holle)

Jeff Holle jeff.holle at verizon.net
Tue Jun 29 12:22:37 CEST 2004

>> An underlining concern I have is error handling.  When
>> PyImport_ImportModule fails, a NULL pointer is returned.
>> Seems like the underlining machinery in "handle<>" is intolerant of
>> this. 
>What makes you say that?
You are correct about the success in compiling your much cleaner 
example, and it works :-) , but has a flaw.

When I hide the needed python script, the call to PyImport_ImportModule 
returns NULL.
When this occurres, both your example and what I had created, but 
commented out throws something because I can catch it with 
"catch(...)".  I don't however know how to be more specific.  Any 
hints?  Whatever it is, it doesn't inherit from "exception".

If I was operating on windows, I would anticipate it was a "structured 
exception", or whatever Microsoft calls their propritary stuff.  Don't 
know of the equivalent on linux though.  Without the "catch (...)", the 
command line program exits with "Aborted".

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