[C++-sig] Boost.Python in SUSE 9.0 or SUSE 9.1?

Chad Austin caustin at gmail.com
Wed Jun 23 02:06:18 CEST 2004

Hi all,

Has anyone successfully used Boost.Python in SUSE 9.0 or SUSE 9.1?  In
9.0 I had to build and install boost 1.31 from source, but 9.1 comes
with a boost 1.31 package.  Either way, merely #including
<boost/python.hpp> causes an internal compiler error in a variety of
places.  Note: SUSE 9.0 uses gcc 3.3.1 (+ SUSE-specific patches?) and
SUSE 9.1 uses gcc 3.3.3 (+ patches again?).  If I build gcc 3.4.0 from
source, Boost.Python compiles, but does not link do to
incompatibilities in libstdc++.  I'm going to try Boost.Python from
CVS before anything else, but I thought I'd ask if anyone else has had
success or failure in this area.


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