[C++-sig] Re: Making Boost.Python understand DerivedSafe

Nikolay Mladenov nickm at sitius.com
Tue Jun 22 00:01:57 CEST 2004

Try to satisfy the detailed requirements for the "HeldType"
I think you'll have to define get_pointer(CutScenePtr).
And maybe specialize python::pointee.



Chad Austin wrote:
> (I am not yet subscribed to the list...  it seems mailman is having
> trouble sending me the authorization.  Please CC me on replies..
> Thanks.)
> Hi all,
> I just started using Boost.Python to embed Python in a project of
> mine.  I spent a couple days evaluating, testing, and studying, but it
> seems to have paid off!  Great job on making such a time-saving
> library!
> I am wrapping an internally refcounted class called CutScene.
> CutScene objects are referenced by RefPtr<CutScene> smart pointers,
> typedef'd as CutScenePtr.  I export the class with:
> class_<CutScene, CutScenePtr>("CutScene").def /*etc*/;
> So far, so good.  The problem comes about when I want to pass a
> CutScenePtr into object::operator() to call a function.  If I pass a
> CutScenePtr object in, it says something about reject_raw_object_ptr:
> d:\Projects\empyrean\empyrean\third-party-vc7\include\boost\python\converter\arg_to_python.hpp(244)
> : error C2784: 'void
> boost::python::converter::detail::reject_raw_object_ptr(T *)' : could
> not deduce template argument for 'T1 *' from 'pyr::RefPtr<T>'
>         with
>         [
>             T=pyr::CutScene
>         ]
> If I pass the result of CutScenePtr::get() into operator() I get a
> runtime error about Boost.Python not knowing how to convert
> RefDerivedSafe<T>* to a Python object.  This makes sense, because
> RefPtr's implicit conversion operator, operator->, and get() all
> return RefDerivedSafe<T>*. (RefDerivedSafe<T> is a special class
> derived from T that prevents C++ clients from accidentally calling
> delete, ref(), or unref() on a smart pointer. This techique is used in
> both ATL and nsCOMPtr in Mozilla).
> Here's my question:  Is there a way to tell Boost.Python that
> ptr(someCutScenePtr) is valid and should be equivalent to
> ptr(someCutScenePtr.get()) and/or that RefDerivedSafe<T>* can be
> implicitly converted to T*?  I've tried several different things, and
> nothing seems to work...
> I'm currently using Boost 1.31 with both gcc 3.3.1 and VS.NET 2003.
> Many thanks,
> Chad

Nikolay Mladenov
Sitius Automation Inc.

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