[C++-sig] class callback

Leo Yee surffirst at yahoo.com
Sun Jan 25 09:27:10 CET 2004


I am coding c++ object which gives callback functions to python. I
encountered these problem that a c++ object destruction method won't be
called if a python class holds the c++ object that has a callback function
of this python class.

Let's look the code.

using namespace boost::python;

struct cHolder
 cHolder() {}
    // we can't reach here

 void SetCallback( const object &o )
  m_o = o;

 void OnCallback(void)
  if( m_o )

 object m_o;

 class_< cHolder >( "cHolder" )
  .def( "SetCallback", cHolder::SetCallback )
  .def( "OnCallback", cHolder::OnCallback );

The python code looks like this:

from hello import *

class cA:
 def __init__(self):
  self._holder = cHolder()
  self._holder.SetCallback( self.callback )

 def callback( self ) :
  print 'callback'

a = cA()

I also tried to manuaully use python weakref functions to help me solving
this problem but I found that the weak reference released just as I called
the 'setcallback' function.

The weak reference code looked like this:

struct cHolder
 cHolder() { m_weakRef = NULL; }
    Py_XDECREF( m_weakRef );


 void SetCallback( const object &o, const object &free )
  m_weakRef = PyWeakref_NewRef( o.ptr(), free.ptr() );
    // the pyobject was just freed as this function had been finished

 void OnCallback(void)
  if( m_weakRef )
   object o(borrowed(PyWeakref_GetObject( m_weakRef )));
   if( o )
    o();    // We can't reach here because o is always None

 PyObject *m_weakRef;

Does anybody know how I can solve this problem?
Thanks in advance.

Leo Yee

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