[C++-sig] pyste add_method

Nicodemus nicodemus at esss.com.br
Thu Jan 22 05:54:13 CET 2004

Daniel Holth wrote:

>On Wed, 2004-01-21 at 18:03, Niall Douglas wrote:
>>Of course, if you feel like fixing it in the CVS version we'd all be 
>>very grateful ... :)
>Well, I love fixing Python code :)
>Anyway, my problem is unrelated to AllFromHeader().  Basically, I am
>having trouble figuring out how to use add_method when the method to add
>is defined in a different header than the class.  It gives an error like
>this: RuntimeError: no greet declaration found!

Hmm... without looking at some complete code is hard to say, but I think 
that you may be missing a Include directive:



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