[C++-sig] Disallow adding attributes to wrapped classes from Python

Andreas Beyer beyer at imb-jena.de
Mon Dec 13 10:56:49 CET 2004

I think it should be possible to catch the __setattr__() of __dict__ and 
to throw an exception. However, I think that misses out the philosophy 
of Python. Variables are not declared. It is up to the user to define 
appropriate test cases that check the correctness of the code.
You could also define a function that sets the value of foobar. If the 
user writes
he/she will get an exception.


Stefan Haller wrote:
> Is there a way to make the __dict__ of exposed classes read-only?  I
> fear it will be a common error for Python programmers to make typos when
> setting attributes, and I would like this to generate an error rather
> than silently adding a new attribute.
> class_<Foo>("Foo")
>     .add_property("foobar", &Foo::getFooBar, &Foo::setFooBar)
> ;
>>>>foo.foobaz = 7   # oops: typo!
> 7

   Dr. Andreas Beyer - beyer at imb-jena.de

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