[C++-sig] Re: How to expose virtual function with default arguments in boost.python ?

David Abrahams dave at boost-consulting.com
Sun Dec 5 13:46:17 CET 2004

Baptiste Lepilleur wrote:
> ----- Original Message ----- 
> From: "David Abrahams" <dave at boost-consulting.com>
> To: <c++-sig at python.org>
> Sent: Sunday, December 05, 2004 12:18 AM
> Subject: [C++-sig] Re: How to expose virtual function with default arguments
> in boost.python ?
>>Baptiste Lepilleur wrote:
>>Right.  The problem here is that all the overloads for handling
>>default arguments take a first argument of
>>    py::VirtualNonCopyable_Wrapper {lvalue}
>>(because they are member functions of VirtualNonCopyable_Wrapper)
>>but the object you're creating in C++ is only of type
>>   VirtualNonCopyable {lvalue}
>>You can see most of this in the overload set described in the error
>>message below, if you look carefully (using an initial type
>>other than std::string would make it clearer).
> I though it might be something along those lines, but I was confused by the
> following things:
> - the type dumped on the overloading error message is always the C++ type,
> even if the object is actually the wrapper

What object?  There are quite a few objects running around here.  Also 
what do you mean by "the wrapper?"

> - the wrapper overload are displayed even though they are not taken in
> account in the overload resolution.

All displayed overloads are taken into account.

> Not a major issue, but somewhat confusing...
>>So one way to make it work is to add some functions that can be
>>called for VirtualNonCopyable objects:
>>   void set_2(VirtualNonCopyable& self, std::string s, int p1)
>>   { self.set(s,p1); }
>>   void set_1(VirtualNonCopyable&& self, std::string s)
>>   { self.set(s); }
>>And before any of the other defs (so if the object is actually a
>>VirtualNonCopyable_Wrapper the other overloads will take
>>priority), but in any order, you do:
>>      .def("set", set_1)
>>      .def("set", set_2)
> This works great. It basically replace the default_set_1/2 binding, right ?

Uhm... yes, as a matter of fact I think it does.  Somehow I failed to 
imagine that.

>>Alternatively, you should be able to avoid defining any helper
>>functions this way:
>>      .def(
>>          "set"
>>        , make_function(
>>              &VirtualNonCopyable::set
>>            , mpl::vector<void,std::string,int,int>())
>>      )
>>      .def(
>>          "set"
>>        , make_function(
>>              &VirtualNonCopyable::set
>>            , mpl::vector<void,std::string,int>())
>>      )
> Could get that version to compile, even after adding the (missing ?) policy:
>       .def(
>           "set"
>         , make_function(
>               &VirtualNonCopyable::set
>             , boost::python::default_call_policies()
>             , boost::mpl::vector<void,std::string,int,int>())
>       )
> Here is the lastest error message...
> include\boost\python\detail\invoke.hpp(94) : error C2647: '.*' : cannot
> dereference a 'boost::details::compressed_pair_i
> mp<T1,T2,Version>::first_type ' on a 'boost::remove_cv<T>::type'
>         with
>         [
>             T1=void (__thiscall VirtualNonCopyable::* )(const std::string
> &,int,int),
>             T2=boost::python::default_call_policies,
>             Version=2
>         ]
>         and
>         [
> T=boost::mpl::v_iter<boost::mpl::vector4<void,std::string,int,int>::type,1>:
> :type
>         ]

Uhm, right.  Insert "VirtualNonCopyable&," after "void," in each of 
those vectors.  Sorry.

> Both solutions are of similar complexity to implement in pyste, so it's not
> an issue (though, the mpl::vector one avoid a forwarding function, right ?).

Correct.  Although if those forwarding functions are inline functions it 
may not make any difference.

>>Incidentally, all this applies just as well even after you fix
>>Pyste to use new-style polymorphism.
> I'll probably look into adding new-style polymorphism sometime in the
> future. For now, I'm focusing on fixing all the bugs and getting everything
> to work...

Are you taking over maintainership of Pyste?  I haven't heard from Bruno 
in a long time.

> Thanks for helping,

Thank you!

Dave Abrahams
Boost Consulting

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