[C++-sig] Exposing C++ Class instances to Python

xin xin at xlevus.net
Sat Aug 7 07:02:17 CEST 2004

So I have the following code.

/***** START Point.cpp *****/

struct Point {
   Point() { count = 0; size = 1; script="testScript"}
   int count;
   int size;
   char *script;

     .def_readonly("count", &Point::count)
     .def_readwrite("size", &Point::size);

/***** END Point.cpp *****/

/***** START PyController.cpp ******/

PyObject *pyController::getPyFunc(char *moduleName, char *functionName)
    /* Courtsey of Jeffrey Holle */
    PyObject *pModule = PyImport_ImportModule(moduleName);
    if(pModule == NULL) std::cout << "The Python Module \"" << moduleName << "\" 
is not available" << std::endl;
    PyObject *pDict = PyModule_GetDict(pModule);
    if(pDict == NULL) std::cout << "Failed to Aqquire dictionary of \"" << 
moduleName << "\"" << std::endl;
    PyObject *pFunc = PyDict_GetItemString(pDict,functionName);
    if(pFunc == NULL) std::cout << "Failed to find requested python function \"" 
<< functionName << "\"" << std::endl;
    return pFunc;

bool pyController::runScript(Point &dest)
    PyRun_SimpleString("import sys\nsys.path.append(\"/home/xin/code/Hg/src\")");
    PyObject *pFunc = getPyFunc(dest.script, "TestFunc");
    std::cout << "Start Size: " << dest.size << std::endl;

    // Run TestFunc Here

    std::cout << "End Size: " << dest.size << std::endl;

/***** END PyController.cpp *****/

/**** START main.cpp *****/
int main()
   Point foo;
   pyController PyCon;
   return 0
/**** END main.cpp *****/

/***** START testScript.py *****/
def TestFunc (pt):
   pt.size = 5
   return pt.size
/***** END testScript.py *****/

My overall goal is to run TestFunc on foo. And the output to end up like.
Start Size: 1
End Size: 5

What Im unsure of, is how to turn foo into a PyObject to then run the python 
FUnction TestFunc with the new PyObject (foo) as an arguement. ( Python Equiv: 
TestFunc(foo) )

I hope Im making sense..

Thanks for you help

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