[C++-sig] Re: help building hello world example on Debian

David Abrahams dave at boost-consulting.com
Mon Apr 19 00:40:04 CEST 2004

Faheem Mitha <faheem at email.unc.edu> writes:

>>> The main difference in the Jamfile is that I don't have 
>>>  # requirements and dependencies for Boost.Python extensions
>>>   <template>@boost/libs/python/build/extension
>>>   ;
>>> but this clearly won't work unchanged in any case.  
>> Why "clearly"?  
> Because there are no directories of exactly that name on my machine,
> and I think that line is relative to the boost build system anyway.

Not exactly.  The name after the @ sign is a project name, not a
directory name.

If you properly edited this line of the Jamrules file:

   path-global BOOST_ROOT : ../../.. ;

Then this line should make @boost refer to BOOST_ROOT

   project boost : $(BOOST_ROOT) ;

And $(BOOST_ROOT)/libs/python/build/Jamfile should contain the
declaration of the "extension" template.

> I have no clue about what the appropriate thing to modify it to on my
> system is. I gave you all the information about my system that I
> thought was relevant. If you want more information just ask for it.
>> Did you try it?
> Yes. I just get a slightly different error. See below.

Not sure what that means.  Boost.Build error messages leave something
to be desired.

Dave Abrahams
Boost Consulting

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