[C++-sig] Re: wrap_python.hpp errors on Mac OS X

James Mastro jmastro at rochester.rr.com
Mon Apr 12 21:01:12 CEST 2004

On Apr 10, 2004, at 11:44 AM, Ralf W. Grosse-Kunstleve wrote:

> I got a lot of stuff to work under Mac OS X. I had to do only a few 
> strange
> things, like adding dummy member data, but eventually everything 
> worked. I
> don't think there is a reason to give up that quickly. Why don't you 
> tell us
> exactly what you are trying to do. More often than not there is an 
> alternative
> route that gets you around compiler-specific problems.

Oh, I didn't give up. I think the problem is with Apple's Objective-C++ 
compiler (used for compiling Objective C and C++ in the same file, 
which I use only for using Cocoa with C++ code). This causes some 
compile errors in files that python.hpp includes:

/usr/bin/gcc-3.3 -x objective-c++ ...		// compile Objective-C++
#include <boost/python.hpp>			// errors

This works fine:

/usr/bin/gcc-3.3 -x c++ ...				// compile C++
#include <boost/python.hpp>			// just a warning about long double's 
size possibly changing in the future

It looks like the Objective-C++ compiler is broken. So as long as I 
don't kick in the Objective-C++ compiler on any file that is including 
the boost python header, I'm OK. Not a major loss. The strange thing 
about this is _I was not doing that_. This is in platform independent 
code of mine. The file in question is just a .cpp file and should never 
have been seeing any Objective-C++ related stuff other than that 
#include <Cocoa/Cocoa.h> was in a precomp, but that should not have 
been used in a C++ file. Having it there now causes no problems. What 
finally got me to what I think is the solution is turning off the 
precompiled header. Then not only cleaning the project from within 
Xcode but going and actually trashing all "intermediate" files on disk. 
I need to look into that more.

Thanks for your help. Without you saying you actually had it working, I 
probably would have just looked into other options. Now on to actually 
USING what I've finally successfully #include'd...


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