[C++-sig] Re: Code Warrior and Boost python

Xavier WARIN(Compte LOCAL) - I23 xavier.warin at der.edfgdf.fr
Wed Sep 24 09:13:24 CEST 2003

David Abrahams wrote:

>>While trying to compile the Boost python source files i get a weird
>>error in cstdio generated by
> Whoa.  You shouldn't be using the compatibility library with
> Metrowerks.  It has a very good standard library of its own.

Thank you for the answer.

I didn't do it on purpose.I corrected my path and now it's better. I 
only have an error with boost_1.30_2 within  class.cpp
It doesn't understand line 31:

namespace self_ns
   self_t self;

I think i will have to upgrade my compiler.

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