[C++-sig] Re: Naming arguments of exported methods

David Abrahams dave at boost-consulting.com
Wed Oct 29 01:45:00 CET 2003

Pierre Barbier de Reuille <pierre.barbier at cirad.fr> writes:

> I'm trying to use the "arg" object as descibed in the CVS documentation
> in "libs/python/doc/v2/args.html" (in your boost directory). It says not
> to use args. But I cannot succeed in making it compile with g++-3.2
> Instead, I have the errors put at the end of the text. For all these
> errors, I just modified the line :
> 	.def( "neighbors", cg3d_neighbors)
> into :
> 	.def( "neighbors", cg3d_neighbors , py_arg( "cell" ) )

It's a bug, which the enclosed patch fixes (yes, I'm checking it in,
nobody needs to ask me).

> I should add that I needed to define:
> typedef boost::python::arg py_arg;
> because 'arg' is already used in the STL and in boost itself. I hope
> there is enough details.

That's only because you've written using-directives to bring all those
namespaces in without qualification (a bad idea).  You can get around
the problem by adding

    using boost::python::arg;

inside your module initialization function.

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Dave Abrahams
Boost Consulting

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