[C++-sig] Re: [boost] how to do from_python in v2?

Greg Abbas pub1 at abbas.org
Tue Oct 28 02:44:54 CET 2003

What's the state of the question that HellcatV wrote on 18 Dec 2002?
(http://lists.boost.org/MailArchives/boost/msg40923.php) Like him, I'm
porting V1 code, and want to register my own converters so that boost knows
what to do when I register a method that takes an argument like HellcatV's
Vector. In my case, I've got a library that (for instance) uses its own
string class (not std::string) and I need to teach boost to call a routine
that creates a C++ string object out of a python string.

I found http://lists.boost.org/MailArchives/boost/msg40934.php and got
Dave's "QVector_convertible, QVector_construct" suggestion working, but is
that still the best way? I see
(http://www.boost.org/libs/python/doc/v2/Apr2002.html#insights) that Dave is
thinking about this... what's the current status?

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