[C++-sig] instantiating python objects within C++

thor.arne.johansen at ibas.no thor.arne.johansen at ibas.no
Mon May 26 10:47:06 CEST 2003

Stefan wrote:
>I'd like to have my C++ object instantiated long
>before the wrapper, i.e. I'd like to instantiate
>the wrapper around an existing object for the
>sole purpose of being able to manipulate it
>from within a script that is temporarily loaded
>and executed once, during the lifetime of the

I have the same need, and after getting som help on this list I came up
with the following example:


I never got any feedback on this posting, so I don't know how 'good' the
example is, but it seems to work allright.

Thor Arne Johansen
Dept. Manager R&D
Ibas AS

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