[C++-sig] confused...

Nicodemus nicodemus at globalite.com.br
Thu May 15 00:35:52 CEST 2003

Paul Rudin wrote:

>Should this work? If not is there an obvious way to make it work? TIA.
>Say subclassTest.cpp contains:
>#include <boost/python.hpp>
>using namespace boost::python;
>class Base
>  virtual int foo(int x) { return x+1;}
>class Bar 
>  Base* thing;
>  void setThing(Base* bptr) { thing=bptr;};
>  int callThing(int x) {return thing->foo(x);};
>class BaseWrap : public Base
>  BaseWrap(PyObject* self_):self(self_){}
>  int foo(int x)
>  {
>    return call_method<bool>(self,"foo",x);
>  }

Here you mean:
    return call_method<int>(self, "foo", x);


>  PyObject* self;
>  class_<Base, BaseWrap, boost::noncopyable >("Base")
>    .def("foo", &BaseWrap::foo)
>    ;
>  class_<Bar>("Bar")
>    .def("setThing", &Bar::setThing)
>    .def("callThing", &Bar::callThing)
>    ;
>Then in python:
>>>>from subclassTest import *
>>>>class sub(Base):
>... 	 def foo(z):
>... 	     z=z+7		
Change sub to:

 >>> class sub(Base):
...     def foo(self, z):
...         return z+7

Note the "self" argument in the method. In Python, the "self" ("this" in 
C++) is explicity.

>Traceback (most recent call last):
>  File "<stdin>", line 1, in ?
>TypeError: foo() takes exactly 1 argument (2 given)

Hope that helps,

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