Fw: [C++-sig] Pyste and STL types

Patrick Hartling patrick at vrac.iastate.edu
Wed Mar 19 04:44:09 CET 2003

Nicodemus wrote:
> Nicodemus wrote:
>> David Abrahams writes:
>>> Patrick Hartling <patrick at vrac.iastate.edu> writes:
>>>> In that case, it would make sense if Pyste ran into a problem with a
>>>> class containing a public data member that is a union type.  I would
>>>> grant that the C++ class I have in mind should probably encapsulate
>>>> its data better, but in the meantime, should exclude() work to keep
>>>> the union data member out of the mix?    
>>> Probably a good idea. 
>> That's the way it should be, but there's a bug in the implementation. 
>> I will fix it as soon as possible.
> Fixed in the current CVS and in the branch for release 1.30.0. You can 
> now exclude the union, until we figure how to export them.

Again, thank you very much.


Patrick L. Hartling                     | Research Assistant, VRAC
patrick at vrac.iastate.edu                | 2624 Howe Hall: 1.515.294.4916
http://www.137.org/patrick/             | http://www.vrac.iastate.edu/

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