AW: AW: AW: AW: [C++-sig] New implementation for opaque_pointer_c onve rter

David Abrahams dave at
Tue Mar 11 14:44:12 CET 2003

Gottfried.Ganssauge at HAUFE.DE writes:

>> I'm sorry to say that this version causes an illegal memory free()
>> call, according to VC++'s debug mode.
> How did you manage to provoke that failure?
> I'm running like this:
>   boost-rc-1.30\libs\python\test>bjam -sBUILD=debug-python opaque

Basically, just like that.

> I obtained the sources this morning from the CVS and applied my
> opaque_pointer.patch.3 I sent to you yesterday.

I can try to do it again.

> Unfortunately bjam -sBUILD=debug failed because it linked the python_d-libs
> but tried to run with python.exe. 

Oh, that's TERRIBLE!  It shouldn't link with the python_d lib!

> When I removed the python_d-libs it wouldn't link at all asking for
> the python_d-libs...
> My compiler ist MSVC 6 SP5 which I'm also using for my production projects

My tests were with vc7 and vc7.1
I could try again with vc6, but I assume it would be the same.  I'll
try re-applying the patch.

Dave Abrahams
Boost Consulting

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