[C++-sig] Re: Boost::Python and intel-win32

Dirk Gerrits dirk at gerrits.homeip.net
Mon Mar 10 14:59:43 CET 2003

David Abrahams wrote:
> "Massimo Sabbatini" <sabbatini at deanovell.unian.it> writes:
>>Dear SIG,
>>I'm trying to export few classes with Boost::Python using bjam and the
>>intel-win32 toolset. I first tried vc6 (toolset msvc) and while vc6 start
>>compiling (but stops due to an internal error), intel-win32 (v.7) does not
>>start compiling at all. It seems that bjam does not issue the proper command
>>line. I enclose the output of my "bjam -sTOOLS=intel-win32" below.
>> Any suggestions?
>>P.S. paths are correctly set.
> What, precisely, do you mean by "paths are correctly set"?
> Did you configure the toolset as described at
> http://www.boost.org/tools/build/intel-win32-tools.html?

In particular, did you run Intel\Compiler70\IA32\Bin\iccvars.bat prior 
to bjam, and in the same DOS-box?

Personally, I build Boost as a whole with the following batch script:

@echo off
cd \boost_cvs

call "C:\Program Files\Intel\Compiler60\IA32\Bin\iccvars.bat"

set PYTHON_ROOT=c:\python22
set INTELC="C:\Program Files\Intel\Compiler60\IA32"

bjam "-sTOOLS=intel-win32"
copy /y libs\python\build\bin-stage\*.dll c:\python22

(Boost is in D:\boost_cvs, Python in C:\python22 and the compiler has 
been installed in C:\Program Files. To use this on your machine, change 
the paths accordingly.)


Dirk Gerrits

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