[C++-sig] Re: Embedding Python, threading and scalability

David Abrahams dave at boost-consulting.com
Sat Jun 28 00:09:12 CEST 2003

"Qiu, Wenning" <Wenning_Qiu at csgsystems.com> writes:

> My project will be running on an SMP box and requires
> scalability. However, my test shows that Python threading has very
> poor performance in terms of scaling. In fact it doesn't scale at all.
> I wrote a simple test program to complete given number of iterations
> of a simple loop. The total number of iterations can be divided evenly
> among a number of threads. My test shows that as the number of threads
> grows, the CPU usage grows and the response time gets longer. For
> example, to complete the same amount of work, one thread takes 10
> seconds, 2 threads take 20 seconds and 3 threads take 30 seconds.
> The fundamental reason for lacking scalability is that Python uses a
> global interpreter lock for thread safety. That global lock must be
> held by a thread before it can safely access Python objects.
> I thought I might be able to make embedded Python scalable by
> embedding multiple interpreters and have them run independently in
> different threads. However "Python/C API Reference Manual" chapter 8
> says that "The global interpreter lock is also shared by all threads,
> regardless of to which interpreter they belong". Therefore with
> current implementation, even multiple interpreters do not provide
> scalability.
> Has anyone on this list run into the same problem that I have, or does
> anyone know of any plan of totally insulating multiple embedded Python

This question has little to do with Boost.Python, so I doubt you'll
find good answers here.  I would try comp.lang.python; I think people
will rush to help you there.

Good luck,
Dave Abrahams
Boost Consulting

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