[C++-sig] Re: Interest in luabind

Daniel Wallin dalwan01 at student.umu.se
Mon Jun 23 15:02:52 CEST 2003

> > How do you import the converters from one module to
> another?
> The system does that; the demand for a converter for a
> given type
> causes the converter chain in the global converter
> registry to be
> bound to a reference at static initialization time.  Since
> all
> modules that work with the same type are referring to the
> same
> registry entry, it "just works"

Ah, right. The registry resides in the boost_python dll..
Clever. :)

> > And how does type_info objects compare between dll
> boundries?
> On most platforms, just fine because we've normalized them
> using
> boost/python/type_id.hpp.  A few platforms (e.g. SGI)
> still have
> problems, though.


Daniel Wallin

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