[C++-sig] Re: Boost.Python: few thoughts and questions...

Nicodemus nicodemus at globalite.com.br
Sat Jun 14 00:45:15 CEST 2003

Roman Sulzhyk wrote:

>--- David Abrahams <dave at boost-consulting.com> wrote:
>>>David Abrahams wrote:
>>Often base class partitioning is merely an implementation detail.  It
>>seems to me that if public bases are not explicitly exported they
>>should be exported implicitly, unless explicitly suppressed.
>>But I might be wrong about that.
>David, I'd like to side with you on this - sometimes people do
>partitioning of base classes as an implementation detail, and you're
>just interested in exporting a top level class to python, without
>worrying where its member functions are originating. To me it seems
>that exposing all of the base classes to python, like Nicodemus is
>suggesting, is viable but less elegant.

Hmm, no problem then. Your patch already deals with this, right Roman? 
If not, I will implement it. Thanks for the discussion David and Roman.


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