[C++-sig] Re: Segfault when calling python method from C++

Pierre Barbier de Reuille pierre.barbier at cirad.fr
Mon Jul 28 10:31:19 CEST 2003

>You can post them here.  After we discuss and get comfortable with
>your approach, the first things I'll probably ask you for are tests
>for the Boost.Python test suite and HTML documentation pages.
Sorry for the delay but I was on vacation ...
I begin by sending the three files used to export STL containers. By the 
time, it only works with g++-3.2 or later, but it's just a question of 
namespace and include locations.
There is a _small_ help at the beginning. The only thing not written is 
for the handling of the exceptions: you have to call 
define_stl_exceptions() in your module function. The wcc files 
correspond to your hpp ones and the hh is here for tiled compilation only.

My main concern about what you said is about the Boost.Python test suite 
... how to document myself about how it works ?


Pierre Barbier de Reuille

INRA - UMR Cirad/Inra/Cnrs/Univ.MontpellierII AMAP
Botanique et Bio-informatique de l'Architecture des Plantes
TA40/PSII, Boulevard de la Lironde

tel   : (33) 4 67 61 65 77    fax   : (33) 4 67 61 56 68 

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