[C++-sig] Virtual Methods + default arguments

Nicodemus nicodemus at globalite.com.br
Wed Feb 26 05:58:48 CET 2003

David Abrahams wrote:

>Bruno da Silva de Oliveira <bso at inf.ufsc.br> writes:
>>Is it possible to indicate default arguments for virtual methods,
>>I also tried to change the second .def to:
>>   .def("f", &XWrap::f, f_overloads())
>>   .def("f", &XWrap::default_f, f_overloads())
>>But with the same results.
>This one is on the right track, but you need a separate version of
>f_overloads for the second one.  The 2nd argument to def in this case
>just carries type information; it could be a null function pointer
>for all Boost.Python cares.  It's the 3rd arg which carries all the
>info about what functions to call.

Nice. The solution is define the overloads as:

    BOOST_PYTHON_MEMBER_FUNCTION_OVERLOADS(f_overloads, default_f, 0, 2)

generate the module as:

    class_< X, XWrap >("X")       
        .def("f", &X::f, &XWrap::default_f )
        .def("f", &XWrap::default_f, f_overloads())

Thanks a lot Dave! (Don't you sleep? 8P)


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