[C++-sig] special to_python for a particular function

Daniel Holth dholth at fastmail.fm
Fri Feb 21 06:23:44 CET 2003

Hi.  I'm using C++ std::strings to hold my 8-bit clean data but the
default to_python converter does not use string.size() to find the
length.  This means I get only up to the first null character back into
Python.  I wound up editing the boost library to fix this and it works
great now, perhaps this bug is fixed in CVS Boost.Python already...

I tried adding a new to_python in my declaration (without editing
Boost.Python) but it seems to insist on using the old one.

How can I have a special to_python for a particular function?  Another
example I don't know how to do is functions that give and take char* and
int separately to mean a string and its length.


- Daniel Holth
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