[C++-sig] Re: python binding problems

David Abrahams dave at boost-consulting.com
Sun Dec 28 14:02:11 CET 2003

"Dusty Leary" <dleary at ttlc.net> writes:

>> Pass ptr(x) instead of x if you don't want the foo copied.
> Thanks very much.
> Is there a way to specify this as the default behavior for a type, maybe via
> the to_python handlers or whatever?


> Basically, something so that whenever I call python with a foo*, it will do
> the pointer_wrapper<> thing...

Sorry, it's explicit for a reason: passing by-raw-pointer is unsafe.
The original C++ object's lifetime can end while the Python object is
still alive, and usage of the Python object thereafter can crash the

Dave Abrahams
Boost Consulting

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