[C++-sig] Boost V1 build on Solaris

David Abrahams dave at boost-consulting.com
Fri Oct 25 00:00:39 CEST 2002

Leonardo Rochael Almeida <leo at hiper.com.br> writes:

> On Wed, 2002-10-23 at 22:36, Paul F. Kunz wrote:
> >    One final question, which is not specific to boost::python but
> > general question on building Python modules.   What my Solaris
> > administrators have done is to configure Python with 
> > 
> > >  ./configure
> >  --prefix=/afs/.slac.stanford.edu/package/python/common/2.0
> >  --exec-prefix=/afs/.slac.stanford.edu/package/python/sun4x_55/2.0
> > 
> > They also did a build fron Linux with the appropriate `exec-prefix'.
> > What apparently this has done is to put all but one of the Python
> > include files in the directory `common/2.0/include'.  But Python.h
> > includes `config.h' or `pyconfig.h' (depending on the version) which
> > gets installed in `sun4x_55/2.0/include'.  This is appropriate since
> > this file is machine/OS dependent.
> > 
> >    Now the problem is that boost::python, and other packages, gives you
> > one variable, like PYTHON_INCLUDES,  for its build.   When it is set to find
> > `Python.h' it will not find `pyconfig.h'.   
> > 
> >    What is the best way to handle this situation?   Is it a bug in
> > Python's configure script?   Bug in boost::python and others?   Or am
> > I missing something obvious?
> Your setup requires that sun4x_55/2.0/include is in the include path
> somehow (i.e. it should be in the -I parameter of all compiler
> invocations). Reading <boost>tools/build/gcc-tools.jam makes me believe
> that you can make your setup work by adding the following line to your
> <boost>/Jamrules file:
> STDHDRS += /afs/.slac.stanford.edu/package/python/sun4x_55/2.0

That's generally /not/ the way you're intended to use the build
system. You can do this, but it's not going to work in future versions
of the build system and it could do unexpected things when you build
targets other than Boost.Python and Boost.Python extensions.  The
right thing to do is to add something like:

  PYTHON_PROPERTIES += <sysinclude>$(PYTHON:D)/include ;

to the end of tools/build/python.jam, but I don't want to make that
change until I hear from python-dev about what's going on here. In the
meantime, you can do it in the Jamfiles after python.jam is included.

                    David Abrahams
dave at boost-consulting.com * http://www.boost-consulting.com

Building C/C++ Extensions for Python: Dec 9-11, Austin, TX

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