[C++-sig] compiling boost.python v2 on IRIX

Stefan Seefeld stefan.seefeld at orthosoft.ca
Mon Oct 7 17:01:07 CEST 2002

hi there,

I just tried to compile boost.python v2 on irix using the 'mipspro'
toolset. The compilation failed on the file 'pickle_support.o' with
the error(s)

cc-3354 CC: ERROR File = 
Line = 18
   A non-integral operation is not allowed in a nontype template argument.


cc-1070 CC: ERROR File = 
Line = 18
   The indicated type is incomplete.


Beside that, I find the build system not very transparent, so tracking
things down is non-obvious. The use of jam isn't particularly helpful.
For example I just realized from the error logs that it is using the
"-mips3" compiler flag, while I'd like "-mips4". I couldn't find either
docs nor code that made clear how to change that flag.

Any help would be highly appreciated !


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