[C++-sig] Boost.Python v2: A few small changes

Joel de Guzman djowel at gmx.co.uk
Tue Oct 1 17:55:20 CEST 2002

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "David Abrahams" <dave at boost-consulting.com>

> By the way, I've been pondering the merits of having a <boost/python.hpp>
> header which exposes all of the public headers, just for ease-of-use.
> Opinions?

I've often wondered what people *really* think about this, not only
in the context of boost.python but all libraries in general. I'm very
interested to hear the general consensus. Modern C++ stresses
the compiler a lot and brings it to its knees. An all encompassing 
header, while easy to type, will unnecessarily add more burden on 
the already burdened compiler. OTOH, if the user is fully aware
of these issues, then it's his call. He has a choice of easy typing
vs. longer compile times.


PS> Was this issue ever raised in boost?

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