[C++-sig] container_conversions.h with VC7

Achim Domma achim at procoders.net
Sun Nov 17 19:22:05 CET 2002

> -----Original Message-----
> From: c++-sig-admin at python.org [mailto:c++-sig-admin at python.org]On
> Behalf Of Ralf W. Grosse-Kunstleve
> I am using container_conversions.h with VC7 all the time (I
> stopped using VC 6
> a while ago). What is your container type? Which policy are you
> using? What is
> the ICE?
> Ralf

Here is the orginal call. Magick::Image is a class from ImageMagick, which
is the library I'm creating a wrapper for:


Which details do you want to know about the ICE? Beside the sourcefile of
the compiler, I have no additional information.


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