[C++-sig] MSVC project file

Brett Calcott brett.calcott at paradise.net.nz
Tue Nov 12 09:07:03 CET 2002

Hi Scott,

Thanks for the feedback.

> 1.) Without a workspace, my MSVC version complains a lot and sometimes
> crashes.
>     I think they recommend that a workspace is used even if it only
> a
>     single project? It automatically will make one if it doesn't die

Ok, Since Dave is interested in putting this in the official release I will
provide a workspace file. Note that the fact that it crashes makes me think
that you have NOT got the latest service pack. We're up to 5 now I believe.

> 2.) Why do you use /Zm800 several times in the compiler options? Does that
> do something more
>     with the available memory than a single one?

Where are you seeing this? Are you looking in the .dsp file? The reason is
that I could not find any way of putting in this option via the interface,
so I hacked it into the .dsp with a text editor. I didn't want to take time
to learn all the complexities of how a .dsp works - so I just stuck it in
all the places where I thought it would help. I think you will find many
options are repeated... No harm is done.

> 3.) It looks as if the libraries will be built in ../test not ./bin as you
> specified? These are
>     called bpl_d.dll and boost_python.dll respectively in the project you
> sent out, not boost_python_d.dll.
>     Is it true that "bpl" is the Boost.Python library name now? The builds
> did today with Jam made
>     boost_python.dll libraries, but I think this is Boost.Python V2?

yeah. I think I attached the file before saving the changes. This is wrong.
I will post an updated one.

> 4.) None of the Boost.Python headers are included in the project. Should
> they be? I set the
>     header includes directory (globally using Tools-Options), is that good
> enough?

This makes no difference to the compilation. But I will include them in the
post as it makes it easier to 'tour' the source.

> 5.) Lastly, MSVC++ just begins spitting out errors during the build. Have
> you used MSVC V6
>     with Boost 1.29.0 and this project? Here is a sample of the errors:
> arg_to_python_base.cpp
> c:\program files\microsoft visual studio\vc98\include\mmreg.h(1383) :
> C2146: syntax error : missing ';' before identifier 'wFormatTag'
> c:\program files\microsoft visual studio\vc98\include\mmreg.h(1383) :
> C2501: 'WORD' : missing storage-class or type specifiers
> c:\program files\microsoft visual studio\vc98\include\mmreg.h(1383) :
> C2501: 'wFormatTag' : missing storage-class or type specifiers
> c:\program files\microsoft visual studio\vc98\include\mmreg.h(1384) :
> C2146: syntax error : missing ';' before identifier 'nChannels'
> c:\program files\microsoft visual studio\vc98\include\mmreg.h(1384) :
> C2501: 'WORD' : missing storage-class or type specifiers
> c:\program files\microsoft visual studio\vc98\include\mmreg.h(1384) :
> C2501: 'nChannels' : missing storage-class or type specifiers
> c:\program files\microsoft visual studio\vc98\include\mmreg.h(1385) :
> C2146: syntax error : missing ';' before identifier 'nSamplesPerSec'
> I have built many other projects with MSVC++, although I would not swear
> that this isn't a compiler problem.
> I have no clue why mmreg.h is even included at all. I'll look around in
> MS KnowledgeBase, but perhaps you have seen something similar? It may just
> be some compiler flag(s) set wrong?

I had this same problem a while back. It is an include file problem. I never
figured out exactly where it comes from (why doesn't msvc give an #include
traceback!!), but I fixed it by reordering the include directories in
Tools/Options. Make sure that the python and boost dirs come BEFORE the MS
default ones.

Good luck.

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