[C++-sig] Visual C++ 6 error

Ralf W. Grosse-Kunstleve rwgk at yahoo.com
Wed Mar 13 03:04:23 CET 2002

Using the boost cvs snapshot from a few hours ago I am experiencing
problems with Visual C++ 6:

cl.exe  /nologo /MD /GR /GX /Zm350 -I"r:\cctbx\include" -I"r:\boost"
-I"c:\Python21\include" -c uctbxmodule.cpp

r:\boost\boost/python/detail/init_function.hpp(178) : error C2899:
typename cannot be used outside a template declaration

This is the code from init_function.hpp:

    template <class A1>
    static init* create(signature1<A1>) {
        return new init1<T,
                       typename detail::parameter_traits<A1>::const_reference>;

I think this will work with VC6 (and any other compiler):

    template <class A1>
    static init* create(signature1<A1>) {
        typedef typename detail::parameter_traits<A1>::const_reference cr;
        return new init1<T, cr>;


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