[C++-sig] Python's role in C++ projects

Dean Goodmanson ponderor at lycos.com
Wed Jun 12 20:02:25 CEST 2002

I responded to a question on comp.lang.python regarding Prototyping Good OO design in Python. ( http://groups.google.com/groups?lr=&selm=mailman.1022957762.16687.python-list%40python.org )

( sorry for the long URL )

I expected answer ( http://groups.google.com/groups?selm=e81be8b2.0206022315.3a0bf9a9%40posting.google.com ) was filled with more cue's than facts.

Strangely enough, this made the weekly Python-URL!, but wasn't followed up with many specific facts about C++.

If you see mistakes in my post, have further insights "from the trenches", or other comments please respond to the c.l.py list or me personally and I can follow up with a summary.

Best Regards,


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