[C++-sig] Boost.Python code generator

Nicodemus nicodemus at globalite.com.br
Fri Dec 6 15:35:14 CET 2002

David Abrahams wrote:

>I gave this some thought last night.
>We could have the following expressions define __getitem__ and
>__setitem__, respectively:
>   .def(self[unsigned()])
>   .def(self[unsigned()] = float())
>If the class defines a "size()" member function we could use that to
>define a __len__ function and to throw an IndexError.
>If the class defines a nested key_type type and find() and end()
>member functions we could use x.find(key) != x.end() to throw KeyError
>Otherwise, the class' __len__ function (if any) could be used to throw
>an IndexError, if to the arguments to operator[] are unsigned integral
>All this can be done without a code-generating front-end, at least on
>conforming compilers. I think that in fact most of it is portable to
>all supported platforms.

Very nice!

The only problem I see is classes that don't follow standard names (Size 
instead of size, for instance), but even then a thin wrapper class could 
be used without problems, right?

struct MyVecWrap: public MyVec
    unsigned int size() const
        return Size();

struct MyIntDict: public IntDict
    typedef int key_type;
    int* find( int );
    int* end() { return 0; }



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