[C++-sig] Why Python for C++ programmers

Nicodemus nicodemus at globalite.com.br
Thu Dec 5 23:26:46 CET 2002


Some more from the top of my head.

* Even though python is interpreted, therefore slower, it can be 
extended with other languages (like C++).

* Python code is very readable

* Python is fun

Best Regards,

David Abrahams wrote:

>Hi All,
>I'm starting work on some articles and talks about Boost.Python. Some
>of these are primarily for a "C++ audience", and I'll have to at least
>briefly make the case for why a C++ programmer should care about
>Python. Some of the answers are obvious to me, but I thought I should
>get additional feedback from a group who must have their own
>well-thought-out reasons.
>Here are some things I've thought of. 
>In broad strokes, they're complimentary because:
>* C++ is hard. Python is easy
>* C++ is fast. Python is small
>* C++ is "dangerous" (easy to crash). Python is "safe"
>* C++ is rigorous. Python is loose.
>* C++ is compiled. Python is interactive.
>* C++ has a deep and focused standard library. Python has broad
>  libraries
>* C++ has limited introspection capability. Everything in Python is
>  introspectable
>* C++ is supported to varying degrees on different platforms. The
>  latest Python really does run ``everywhere''.
>Other thoughts?

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