[C++-sig] Re: Contributing an embedding example (after a bugfix ;)

thor.arne.johansen at ibas.no thor.arne.johansen at ibas.no
Tue Dec 3 19:28:32 CET 2002


I'm trying to use Boost.Python to embedd and extend Python. After a little
but of struggling and some help from Dave (thanx Dave), I've been able to
write a small example. The example embedds Python in a console application,
and exposes a C++ class and object instances to the Python script.

I'm sure there are issues with my implementation, and I'm escpecially
interested in getting tips/comments on the error/exception handling.

I'm wondering if it is appropriate to post the example here for review or a
(reasonable?) example of embedding with Boost.Python. The example is about
350 lines (including the test script)?

Thor Arne Johansen
Dept. Manager R&D
Ibas AS

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