[C++-sig] bjam issue related to boost::python

Srivatsan Raghavan vraghavan at cnmnetwork.com
Fri Aug 2 22:13:04 CEST 2002

David Abrahams wrote:

>From: "Srivatsan Raghavan" <vraghavan at cnmnetwork.com>
>>hi all ,
>>i created a c++ extension module using python which worked fine..
>>then i wanted to embed a call to PyRun_SimpleFile in another app,
>>and the script i was calling is attempting to use my extension module
>>but i was getting telling me that the interpreter wasn't initialized
>>after much searching, research, and work with msvc's Dependency Walker
>>i narrowed it down to the fact that boost_python_debug.dll is trying to
>>to the release version of python22.dll , whereas it should be linking to
>>(which unfortunately does not come with the python installer , that has
>>to be compiled manually )
>>at any rate, how can the boost::python Jamfile be modified to try this
>>check when it comes boost::python ?
>Please see the section on "Build Variants" at
>No modification of the Jamfile is needed. If you want a build using the
>debug version of the Python DLL, you should be using
>    -sBUILD=debug-python

thank you kindly for your assistance Dave

vraghavan at cnmnetwork.com
Evil requires nothing more to win than that good men do nothing

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