[C++-sig] V1 trouble with gcc 2.95.3

Ralf W. Grosse-Kunstleve rwgk at yahoo.com
Sat Apr 13 00:25:07 CEST 2002

I am using:
- The latest CVS snapshot of boost
- RedHat 7.1
- Python 2.2.1
- gcc 2.95.3, gcc 2.96, gcc 3.0.4
- compiling: g++ -fPIC -ftemplate-depth-50  -g -c
- linking: g++ -shared

Compilation of the V1 comprehensive test and all the examples
goes smoothly with all compilers.
All the tests work fine with gcc 2.96 and 3.0.4, but some test
are broken with gcc 2.95.3 (output attached).

The debugger output for one simplified example is also attached.
What could be wrong?


PYTHONPATH=. /usr/local_cci/Python-2.2.1/bin/python comprehensive.py
make: *** [test] Aborted
PYTHONPATH=. /usr/local_cci/Python-2.2.1/bin/python test_abstract.py
PYTHONPATH=. /usr/local_cci/Python-2.2.1/bin/python test_getting_started1.py
PYTHONPATH=. /usr/local_cci/Python-2.2.1/bin/python test_getting_started2.py
PYTHONPATH=. /usr/local_cci/Python-2.2.1/bin/python test_simple_vector.py
make: *** [test] Aborted
PYTHONPATH=. /usr/local_cci/Python-2.2.1/bin/python
PYTHONPATH=. /usr/local_cci/Python-2.2.1/bin/python test_nested.py
PYTHONPATH=. /usr/local_cci/Python-2.2.1/bin/python test_pickle1.py
PYTHONPATH=. /usr/local_cci/Python-2.2.1/bin/python test_pickle2.py
make: *** [test] Aborted
PYTHONPATH=. /usr/local_cci/Python-2.2.1/bin/python test_pickle3.py
PYTHONPATH=. /usr/local_cci/Python-2.2.1/bin/python test_cross_module.py
PYTHONPATH=. /usr/local_cci/Python-2.2.1/bin/python test_richcmp1.py
make: *** [test] Aborted
PYTHONPATH=. /usr/local_cci/Python-2.2.1/bin/python test_richcmp2.py
make: *** [test] Aborted
PYTHONPATH=. /usr/local_cci/Python-2.2.1/bin/python test_richcmp3.py
make: *** [test] Aborted

% gdb /usr/local_cci/Python-2.2.1/bin/python
GNU gdb 5.0rh-5 Red Hat Linux 7.1
This GDB was configured as "i386-redhat-linux"...
(gdb) run
Starting program: /usr/local_cci/Python-2.2.1/bin/python 
Python 2.2.1 (#1, Apr 10 2002, 12:59:38) 
[GCC 2.96 20000731 (Red Hat Linux 7.1 2.96-81)] on linux2
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
>>> import simple_vector
>>> v=simple_vector.vector_double(5)

Program received signal SIGABRT, Aborted.
0x40085801 in __kill () from /lib/i686/libc.so.6
(gdb) where
#0  0x40085801 in __kill () from /lib/i686/libc.so.6
#1  0x400855da in raise (sig=6) at ../sysdeps/posix/raise.c:27
#2  0x40086d82 in abort () at ../sysdeps/generic/abort.c:88
#3  0x402b86eb in __default_terminate () from ./simple_vector.so
#4  0x402b870c in __terminate () from ./simple_vector.so
#5  0x402b9044 in throw_helper (eh=0x4031430c, pc=0xffffffff, 
    my_udata=0xbfffe508, offset_p=0xbfffe504) from ./simple_vector.so
#6  0x402b91fc in __throw () from ./simple_vector.so

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