[C++-SIG] Merge py_cpp and CXX!

Mark Evans mark.evans at clarisay.com
Thu Oct 26 01:56:40 CEST 2000

A merger seems like the sensible thing to do.  It should be
possible to examine each package, determine relative strengths
and weaknesses, and produce a truly awesome hybrid.  Then all
future development energies would be focused on one package,
not fragmented between two overlapping packages.

There is a lot of overlap.  Both packages have C++ classes which
represent Python objects.  Both have a class representing the
extension module.  For each such class, we could produce a new hybrid
with combined functionality from each library.

py_cpp uses lots of C++ template mechanisms which should be
better documented (in the code).  Dependencies on boost libraries
should be minimized, or at least isolated -- such that boost becomes
optional, if possible.

Mark Evans
mailto:mark.evans at clarisay.com

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