[core-workflow] An update on my future workflow plans

Brett Cannon brett at python.org
Fri Aug 11 18:45:46 EDT 2017

With the addition of stage labels to Bedevere, I thought it was time to
update the mailing list with my current plans for the workflow.

   1. Status check for a news entry
   <https://github.com/python/bedevere/pull/22> (I can probably just commit
   it since all news entries should be going in that way at this point anyway)
   2. Update CONTRIBUTING.md to have a list of what's abnormal about our
   workflow for seasoned GH users
   3. See if we can move the CoC to GitHub and have a copy in the repo (

After that I'm taking a break. :) I have some importlib stuff I want to see
land in Python 3.7 and so I will step away from new workflow changes until
I get some of that stuff in. Once I have been gone long enough I will come
back to my list of stuff to work on which currently sits at:

   - Make the CLA bot an app
   - Make the CLA bot use a status check
   <https://github.com/python/the-knights-who-say-ni/issues/42> instead of
   a label
   - Post-commit check to make sure core devs followed best practices
   - Coverage of C code <https://github.com/python/core-workflow/issues/2>
   - Make the devguide organized around the intended audience
   - Close stale PRs <https://github.com/python/core-workflow/issues/93>
   - Automate Misc/ACKS somehow
   - Core dev leaderboard of e.g. who has helped the most number of
   - Backport bot <https://github.com/python/core-workflow/issues/8>

I know various people have expressed interest in working on some of these
and help is always welcome (I don't have to drive most of these, they are
just what I plan to make sure happens eventually :) ! The only one that
might be tricky is the CLA-bot-as-an-app one which will require changes to
gidgethub first, otherwise everything else should be doable somehow without
me directly participating.
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