[core-workflow] devinabox has been migrated!

Brett Cannon brett at python.org
Sun May 8 16:21:36 EDT 2016

https://github.com/python/devinabox now exists! A huge thank you to
everyone who has helped out so far in making this transition reach this
point, especially Maciej and Ezio for the b.p.o stuff and Senthil for
leading the git migration work.

Next up is the peps and devguide repos. For peps I need to:

   1. See if the unofficial mirror is actually good enough to use
   2. Find out where the command is being run to checkout and build the
   peps from hg so it can use git instead
   3. Figure out how to turn off the mirroring
   4. If the unofficial mirror isn't good enough, then migrate the repo

The devguide is similar but w/o the worry of checking for any mirror.

The benchmarks migration is on hold until a decision is made over on the
speed@ mailing list as to whether that repo will be started from scratch.

The cpython repo can't be migrated until I get the Python core team to tell
me exactly what functionality must exist before a migration can occur. That
will be discussed at the language summit at PyCon US this year, so I should
have a better idea of what takes priority after having that discussion.
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