[core-workflow] Github Mirrors - Should Disallow Pull Request / Issue Creation Until the migration

Carol Willing willingc at willingconsulting.com
Sat Jul 9 22:12:23 EDT 2016


On Jul 9 2016, at 6:12 pm, Brett Cannon <brett at python.org> wrote:  





> On Sat, 9 Jul 2016 at 13:01 Carol Willing
<[willingc at willingconsulting.com](mailto:willingc at willingconsulting.com)>


>> Hi Brett,




>> One thing that could be done is to use a pull request template to notify
users BEFORE they make a PR that the CPython mirror is not the correct place
to submit contributions.




>> See
as an example of the template.




> The problem with a template is it has to be checked into the cpython
repository which will make sense once we migrate, but I don't know if it does
while we are not moved over yet.




I was thinking that you could check-in to the GitHub mirror in a .git
directory unless mirroring would blow it away each update. I wasn't thinking
it would need to be in the hg hosting of CPython code.


Removing it once the migration happens.









> -Brett





>> Carol


> \---


>> Carol Willing




>> Research Software Engineer


>> Project Jupyter @ Cal Poly SLO




>> Director, Python Software Foundation




>> _Signature strengths_


>> _Empathy - Relator - Ideation - Strategic - Learner_




>> On Jul 9 2016, at 8:59 am, Brett Cannon
<[brett at python.org](mailto:brett at python.org)> wrote:  


>>> The problem with the python-tutor org is we don't control it and we don't
know whose it is.




>>> As for turning off the PRs for Python/cpython, GH doesn't provide a way to
do that. Best we can do is reply to the PRs to say the repo is just a mirror
and PRs are not accepted and get the transition done sooner rather than later
(hoping to get the devguide moved this month; need to schedule it with the PDF
infra team).  


>>> On Fri, Jul 8, 2016, 18:30 Senthil Kumaran
<[senthil at uthcode.com](mailto:senthil at uthcode.com)> wrote:  


>>>> I noticed two issues wherein the reporters were confused with the github
mirrors of cpython.




>>>> 1.




>>>> A pull request was raised against the github mirror.




>>>> 2.




>>>> Issue was raised against a github mirror: [https://github.com/python-




>>>> This project, [https://github.com/python-git](https://github.com/python-
git&r=YnJldHRAcHl0aG9uLm9yZw==&r=Y29yZS13b3JrZmxvd0BweXRob24ub3Jn)  should
either redirect to
or shutdown.


>>>> And the
project should disallow Pull Request / Issue Creation.




>>>> Who can I work with (in the python infra team) to accomplish these
things?   Also if anyone else has suggestions please share it in this email




>>>> Thank you,


>>>> Senthil




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