[core-workflow] Windows of opportunity to do the GitHub migration

Brett Cannon brett at python.org
Fri Dec 16 20:58:36 EST 2016

Thanks for the update (and sorry for relying on you and Ezio so much for
this stuff; really appreciate the help!).

On Fri, 16 Dec 2016 at 14:24 Maciej Szulik <soltysh at gmail.com> wrote:

> On Fri, Dec 16, 2016 at 7:49 PM, Brett Cannon <brett at python.org> wrote:
> [sending this independently to python-dev and core-workflow]
> I have promised Ned that we will not migrate before 3.6.0 is released and
> not for a week following in case an emergency 3.6.1 is necessary. I also
> promised Larry we wouldn't migrate the week before 3.5.3 is released. That
> means the windows for migrating are 2016-12-30 to 2017-01-09, and then any
> time after 2016-01-16 (this of course assumes all release schedules don't
> slip).
> I'm now on vacation until January 3 so I will have time to work on the
> migration some more. I will port hg.python.org/lookup to work with git,
> hg, and svn probably this week or next. That leaves the only true blockers
> as http://psf.upfronthosting.co.za/roundup/meta/issue589 and
> http://psf.upfronthosting.co.za/roundup/meta/issue590 (webhook for PR to
> issue and notifying an issue when a commit has occurred, respectively; we
> already have a GitHub PR field on b.p.o for manual entry). Once those
> changes to bugs.python.org land and have been tested live against the
> GitHub mirror, we can do the migration (which will most likely take a day
> or two). All other issues either require the repo to have already been
> migrated and working or can wait post-migration (
> https://www.python.org/dev/peps/pep-0512/#cpython-repo).
> I'm testing issue589 as I'm writing this, hopefully I should be able to
> finish all the test and hand it over to Ezio
> over this weekend. Then I'll start looking into 590, although the latter
> will be much simpler when 589 is in place,
> since it just builds on what we already have (github field) and 589.
> So if the above wasn't clear, if you want to help then please help with
> the b.p.o issues as those are the remaining blockers I can't deal with on
> my own. And I actually have GitHub-themed gifts I bought myself sitting
> under my Xmas tree that I won't open until we migrate, so let's not take
> too long. ;)
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