[Conferences] [PSF-Board] PYCON KE 2022 Conference Sponsorship Request

Laura Graves laura at python.org
Tue Mar 29 12:51:17 EDT 2022

responded off-list

On Tue, Mar 29, 2022 at 11:03 AM Python Nairobi <info at pyconke.org> wrote:

> Hello Python Software Foundation,
> I hope you are doing well.
> We are writing this to request sponsorship from Python Software Foundation for
> the *Pycon* *Kenya Conference 2022*, which will be held at *United States
> International University - Africa*, on *May 6th and 7th*, PyCon-KE is an
> annual convention focused on bringing together local and international
> "stakeholders" i.e. software developers, techies, business people,
> startups, learning institutions and other organizations and individuals
> that use or otherwise have an interest/stake in the python programming
> language and its associated eco-system. With this conference, our
> objectives are:
>    - Promote computing education amongst students and expose them to the
>    newest computing technology, industry standards, and best practices.
>    - Empower young African youth to gain exposure to cutting-edge
>    Computing Skills, to enable them to compete in the growing global
>    technology economy.
>    - Unite industry practitioners from various fields to come together
>    and speak about their various projects and challenges, with the intention
>    to improve productivity and collaboration.
>    - Enable industry participants to recruit from the wide range of
>    technology practitioners who will be attending and presenting at the
>    conference. In addition, enable the industry to build and access a database
>    of technology practitioners
>    - Ultimately to give businesses a platform and venue from which they
>    can find new areas of growth in their respective industries and exposure to
>    new tools that can greatly improve their workflows.
> With the above in mind, the conference can't happen without the support of
> companies like Python Software Foundation to make it a success. Python
> Software Foundation has impacted many developers around Africa. This
> being an org/student-centred event, we believe this can a good avenue for Python
> Software Foundation to push further on the developer community and get
> more developers into the ecosystem. With this, we feel a collaboration for
> sponsorship for the conference will go a long way in making the event a
> success. I have attached to this email an FAQ
> <https://docs.google.com/document/d/1AOnELUXNvO_liFhrbMpphmjOd3raCcFP/edit?usp=sharing&ouid=112573885966595497953&rtpof=true&sd=true>
> that contains information about the various sponsorship packages.
> Looking forward to your response on this.
> Regards,
> Osodo Rodney
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