[Conferences] Queries regarding PyCon event

Roy Hyunjin Han rhh at crosscompute.com
Wed Sep 30 22:20:23 EDT 2020

Hi Bipal,

Additionally, here is a list of best practices and tools for hosting a
virtual event in case you are unable to host in-person conferences next

   - https://www.acm.org/virtual-conferences
   - https://www.python.org/psf/grants/free-resources/

Step 1: Form a team and assign roles
Step 2: Find a venue -- for the first event, we recommend collaborating
with a local university to minimize expenses
Step 3: Draft a code of conduct (links to examples should be in
Step 4: Prepare a sponsorship prospectus (links to examples should be in
Step 5: Find sponsors

The hardest part of your work will be in finding sponsors for your event.
You will need to start early and give yourself ample time for all parts of
the event planning process. Ideally, you should collaborate with a local
Python user group (if you have not already started one) as they will be the
primary source of speakers and volunteers for your first event.

Is there a local Python user group in Nepal?


On Wed, Sep 30, 2020 at 10:03 PM Roy Hyunjin Han <rhh at crosscompute.com>

> Hi Bipal,
> We are thrilled to hear that you are thinking about organizing PyCon Nepal!
> Conferences are immensely rewarding but also a great deal of work and you
> will want to build a team of people who will help you launch a successful
> event.
> Here are some resources that will help you:
> https://github.com/python-organizers
>    - Resources - documentation and best practices for organizing a Python
>    conference
>    - Conferences - list of Python conferences around the world
> Please do not hesitate to ask for help from me or from the people listed
> in the GitHub group.
> On Wed, Sep 30, 2020 at 9:49 PM Bipal Shakya <bipalshakya at gmail.com>
> wrote:
>> Hello,
>> I hope this finds you well.
>> I am an avid Python developer and am really passionate about working with
>> Python as well as helping Python reach other people so that they too can
>> get a great start into the world of software development with Python.
>> Therefore, I wanted to reach out to understand the processes to initiate
>> a PyCon event (virtual) in my country. I noticed that *PyCon Nepal* does
>> not exist yet. I had a couple of queries regarding this:
>>    1. *How do I get started? Whom do I reach out to? Do I just announce
>>    that "Okay, here's PyCon Nepal happening" with an email?*
>>    2.
>> *I see that most of the PyCon are featured in pycon.org
>>    <http://pycon.org/>, and are hosted in the domain xx.pycon.org
>>    <http://xx.pycon.org/>. How can I host the event web page on np.pycon.org
>>    <http://np.pycon.org/> (for PyCon Nepal)? *
>> I look forward to hearing from you,
>> Warm regards,
>> Bipal Shakya.
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