[Conferences] Update informations about Python Brasil in Brazil

Eric Hideki eric8197 at gmail.com
Mon Nov 16 17:55:39 EST 2015

Hello, how are you?

I would like to update some informations about Pycon Brazil.

Update this paragraph:

Old: "PythonBrasil 2013 was again held in Brasilia, Brazil. Previous
editions happened in Rio de Janeiro (2012), Sao Paulo (2011), Curitiba
(2010), Caxias do Sul (2009), Rio de Janeiro (2008), Joinville (2007),
Brasilia (2006) and Campinas (2005)."

Updated: "Previous editions of Pycon Brazil happened in Sao Jose dos Campos
(2015), Porto de Galinhas (2014), Brasilia (2013), Rio de Janeiro (2012),
Sao Paulo (2011), Curitiba (2010), Caxias do Sul (2009), Rio de Janeiro
(2008), Joinville (2007), Brasilia (2006) and Campinas (2005)."

Website of the Pycon Brazil 2014 - http://2014.pythonbrasil.org.br/

We had a pleasure to have keynotes like: Daniel Roy Greenfeld (Pydanny),
Lynn Root, Alex Gaynor, Fernando Perez, and guest language keynote Jose

And the website of Pycon Brazil 2015 -

We had a pleasure to have keynotes like: David Beasley, Bryan Van de Ven,
and brazilian keynotes: Rafael Gonçalves, Tania Andrea and Luiza Nunes.

The next Pycon's Brazil will happen in Florianopolis, Santa Catarina (2016)
and Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais (2017).

Thanks for the attention.

*Eric Hideki*
(11) 98197-4184
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