[Conferences] PyCruise

Katie Cunningham katie.fulton at gmail.com
Fri May 15 17:55:09 CEST 2015

For a few years now, I've been talking about doing a conference on a
boat. After several calls with a Carnival rep, I've decided to pull
the trigger.

Details: June 20th, 2016 - June 26th, 2016
Location: NYC, traveling to points in Canada
Cost: ~ $600 -> $900 / person, based on double occupancy (all inclusive)

The site will be up next week, and 'tickets' will go on sale at that
point. Basically, booking your cabin with our booking number is your
ticket to the conference, and Carnival will be dealing with all of

The format will be an Open Spaces style conference, focusing more on
collaboration and intermingling than talks. I'll be opening
suggestions for Open Space topics once we have people registered,
since how many we have determines how many rooms we get.

Katie Cunningham

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